This post was originally published on 1st February 2019, but was updated on 4th May 2022.
Self-love isn’t selfish, it’s necessary to maintain our happiness. I am loving that more black women are beginning to acknowledge it's time to lead slower and more compassionate life’s for their well-being and mental health, which is well overdue. By taking charge of our own happiness through acts of self-love it means we don’t have to wait for someone else to love us and that’s a powerful position to be in. So, my challenge to you is to practice these simple and easy acts of self-love for the next 28 days. You can do these acts in order, randomly or choose your own. It’s completely up to you as long as you intentionally do one act a day.
Do them and see how rejuvenated you feel by the end of the month.
Are you ready? Let’s do this!
- Tidy up
When you are starting a new practice it’s a good idea to create a clearing by decluttering your personal space. It’s an energetic way of showing to yourself that you are ready for a positive change.
- Take time off
This is a no-brainer; you need to take a break. Resting is an important way to revitalize your body, mind and spirit.
- Make yourself a nice meal
Because who doesn’t like a good meal. Try experimenting by making something new. If you wanted to try a new recipe do it!
- Repeat a positive affirmation
Positive affirmations can have a great effect on your mood and self-esteem. Try saying ‘I love and appreciate myself for the person I am’ and see how it makes you feel by the end of the day.
- Try something new
It’s very easy to get stuck in a rut and continue with your regular routine. Try shaking things up by doing something you have never done before, even if it’s taking a new route to work.
- Read a book
There are so many benefits to reading but in this era of non-stop entertainment, it’s easy to sit in front of the T.V. or watch YouTube videos. Next time instead of picking up the remote control or your phone reach for a book and read for 30 minutes.
- Exercise
We all know how important exercise is and I know many of us, including myself could move our bodies a bit more. Start small and add some extra movement into your day in ways that are easy for you. Read our blog post on tips for working out with natural hair, so you have no excuses.
- Explore somewhere new
When we were kids we loved the idea of exploring new places and as adults, we forgot how fun it can be to go somewhere new. Today challenge yourself to intentionally explore a new place. It may be going to a new coffee shop or visiting a park you’ve never been to before.
- Plan a trip abroad
Who doesn’t love a holiday! Start planning your next trip away and make a plan to start saving for it now.
- Buy yourself something new
Everyone deserves a treat, so buy yourself something new as a present to yourself. Is there a product you've been eyeing up for months? Well maybe it's time to bite the bullet and get it. Looking to treat yourself to a new hairdo? Check out our natural hair extensions and accessories.
- Pamper yourself
Like to get your nails done, have a massage or take a simple bubble bath? Well, today is the day to stop putting it off and do it. Too often we forget to pamper ourselves or think we don’t deserve it but it’s the ultimate sign of self-love.
- Guilt-free day
This is one of my favourites! Have a day when you can do whatever you want and not feel any guilt. As long as it’s safe and legal of course ;-) If you are like me and love food eat whatever you want and don’t feel guilty about it.
- Practice forgiveness
Ever heard the saying that, “resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die”? Well, it’s very true. Forgiveness is not about condoning the act of the other person but it’s something you do for yourself to move on and be a happier person. I’ve been working on this recently and have noticed a positive difference in how I feel. If this is something you want to work on we recommend checking out Louise Hay and her work on forgiveness.
- Write yourself a love letter
What better way to display self-love by writing yourself a love letter on Valentine’s Day. If you want to go the extra mile post it to yourself. You might receive the letter on a day when you are feeling down or it might make a great day better.
- Watch your favourite movie
Who doesn’t like watching their favourite movie after a long week? I have many but one personal favourite is The Mummy with Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz.
- Dance to your favourite song
Nothing says happiness like dancing to your favourite song in your house with no inhibitions.
- Have a lie in
Giving yourself permission to lie in is a blissful act.
- Spend time with family and friends
Make time to spend it with the people you love. It’s so easy to get caught up with the day to day grind and not spend time with family and friends but at the end of the day, that’s what life is all about.
- Act of kindness
We are happiest when we are doing something for others, so carry out an act of kindness no matter how small and see how great you feel afterwards.
- Meditate
One of our favourite quotes is ‘happiness is peace of mind’. There are so many great benefits to meditating that I won’t repeat here but if you have ever been on the fence about meditation read this article and see if it changes your mind.
- Question your thoughts
Guess what your thoughts lie to you and you can choose which thoughts to accept and which thoughts to reject. I wish I knew this when I was younger because I would have saved myself from a lot of pain. Today, decide to get curious about the thoughts you have throughout the day and ask yourself is this true or is this false.
- Write a gratitude list
Even on the worst day, there are things to be grateful for. Before you go to bed or first thing in the morning get out a piece of paper and write down 5 things you are grateful for.
- Learn something new
Have you ever wanted to learn a new language, skill or take up dance classes? Well, today is your chance to do so. It’s such a privilege to learn new things, so let’s make time for it and level up.
- Drop a bad habit
Do you drink too much coffee or are you negative all the time? It’s time to drop that habit that has been robbing you of your joy.
- Create a good habit
There are so many great habits we could all be incorporating into our lives. Could you drink more water, eat more fruit or go to bed earlier? Pick one and share in the comments below which one you have chosen.
- Practice smiling
Did you know when you smile it can improve your mood even when you are sad?It’s a great thing to practice especially on those cold winter mornings when you have to head out for work.
- Decide to be happy
Believe it or not, happiness is a choice. You can actually practice being happy until it becomes your natural state. It’s easier said than done but it’s a great skill to master that will serve you for the rest of your life.
- Set intentions on how you will continue to practice self-love
It’s the last day! Well done for committing to this challenge. I hope you found it rewarding. Now it’s time to set an intention to continue these practices until they become a normal part of your life. Promise to continue to show up for yourself by carrying out these practices every day because you deserve to receive love more than one day a year.
Let me know in the comments below what was your favourite day and write ‘I am worthy of self-love’ if you have got to the end of this blog post :-)